Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A shameless copy-and-paste, but read on ...

A shameless copy-and-paste, but read on ...

The other important link in determining whether that first kiss makes the grade is body scent. The highest concentration of scent or sebaceous glands are near the nose, face and neck. Each of us has a unique scent and the human nose is able to detect over 9,000 different molecules. When you press your nose over your prospective lover's neck or jaw-line, only you will know if their scent is just right.

Lastly, there's a valid evolutionary reason why men slip women a wet, sloppy tongue kiss. Male saliva contains testosterone, a hormone in short supply in females. Just a few male testosterone molecules raise women's libido, readying that passionate scene for intimacy.
The magic of the first kiss
A kiss is just a kiss. Or is it? Whether you're looking for love or happily coupled this Valentine's Day, take a moment to ponder the incredible moment that is... the first kiss.
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